Flower Delivery Service
Same Day Local Delivery 6 Days a Week!
Ascot Flowers of Windsor offer flower and gift delivery 6 days a week to the local area. Local flower orders can be delivered same day if ordered by 1pm, with delivery prices starting from just £3 and personally delivered by one of our dedicated drivers. Please contact the shop on 01753 855568 as sometimes same day delivery might still be available after the cut-off time.
All of our flowers are lovingly arranged and delivered by our team or the nearest available florist - never from a central distribution point. This ensures your choice will always be made from the freshest, longest lasting flowers available.Variations in colour and type of flowers are subject to the regional and seasonal availability.
Flower Delivery Areas
Deliveries to Windsor, Ascot, Old Windsor, Datchet, Slough, Bray, Maidenhead, Sunningdale, Sunninghill, Egham, Englefield Green, Virginia Water, Winkfield and surrounding areas. UK and Worldwide delivery service available also.
Flower Delivery Prices
- SL4 - £5
- SL5, TW19, TW20 - £6
- SL1, SL2, SL3, GU25 - £7
- National Delivery - £10.00
Flower Delivery Times
As your local florist, we hand deliver fresh flowers to Ascot, Windsor, Egham and other local areas 6 days a week (Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm). If the intended recipient isn't home we will try to deliver your flowers to a neighbour.
Nationwide & Worldwide delivery
We can arrange for nationwide flower delivery, to addresses across the UK. Please contact us to order nationwide or worldwide delivery service.